Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Wish You Were Here

For those of you who have "accidentally" slept with their wife's sister (you know who you are :), this is not the movie to watch during date night.  Just sayin.  This movie was rated at like 1 1/2 stars on Netflix which I feel is hugely underrated!  This movie was great!  It is a hidden gem in the Netflix burrows, but you should seek it out.  Now that I have talked it up, I have to give you a little of a let down so your expectations aren't too high.  For those of you looking for a high action thriller with constant suspense, this aint it.  It is a bit slow moving at times, but it all is for a specific reason.  We fall deep in to the depths of emotion with strong guilt, fear, and remorse along with a bit of the old crazy mixed in for good measure.  The main dude is recognizable from some other good movies and the younger sis is really hot.  So here we have middle agers with kids who decide to live it up with free living sis and her new boyfriend in Asia on holiday from Australia.  As you know by now since I spoiled some of the plot that shit goes way off track.  Trust me there is a lot more than what I have told you and the way the story unfolds is great.  It kept me wanting more and loving every new stone that gets over turned.  Here is what you will take away from it:  1. while visiting Cambodia, stay at the resort.  2. Don't sleep with your wife's sister (Sorry Wendy and Andrea).  3. If you are 6 months pregnant, try really hard to keep your wine consumption down to at least one bottle per night!

FYI:  While filming this film, ever member of the cast contracted STD's


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