Wednesday, April 8, 2015


You know those long lonely road trips you take by yourself and honestly dont want to reach the destination?  This movie takes that feeling to a whole new level.  There is an old saying when life gives you lemons, make lemon-aide, but in this situation I think it should be a received gift of drugs and alcohol!  Here we have a very unique movie made entirely of only one actor, Tom Hardy, in a car, talking on the phone to a number of people during his 2 hour journey to the inevitable.  If this sounds boring and uneventful, it is everything but.  This story draws you in as an educated and dedicated man (who you would never know played Bane in the latest Batman), has to come to terms with three life changing events and everything that goes along with them over the course of a few hour drive in a car.  The writing is excellent and leaves you wanting more details on the events that happen after the credits.  Tom Hardy is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors and hasn't disappointed me yet.  I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who doesnt need constant explosions and a cure for ADD every 10 seconds.  Redbox new release.

FYI:  This entire movie was shot in 8 days, two takes per night with a long running single shot.


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