Wednesday, April 8, 2015


When I was growing up there was this TV stand that always gave me the creeps.  It wasn't until many years later that I found out it killed my family!  It was horrible and I ended up in a mental institution for half of my childhood.  Most people blamed me, but I know the truth, it was that Goddamn TV Stand!  Always standing there...watching...judging...hating!  Ok, so a mirror is a little more creepy, and gives the illusion of all horror movie cliche things but the concept is still the same.  Just take the same story I just told, substituting a mirror, and adding in the kids who are now grown up with a scheme to destroy the thing.  As many terrible reviews as I heard, I actually kind of liked this movie.  It reminded me of the old Nightmare on Elm St. TV series episodes. Where your not sure what is real and what is the supernatural.  The acting was pretty awful, and the events that take place make you sit back and say, what the fuck!?!?!?  Why???  Its worth a watch, and you probably wont be surprised by the ending.  Just beware of your TV stand!!!!!!!!!!!

FYI:  Example of excellent marketing:  This movie had a budget of $5 million, and brought in almost $28 million as of June!!!


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