Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Like meat?  How about leather coats?  You may even be a pimp and wear fur?  I thought so.  Thanks to Terry, I received a list of the top ten most disturbing documentaries, and this came up in the top 3.  Let me start by saying that I dont even like animals, love meat and nothing makes me look better than a full length chinchilla coat!  Ok, scratch the coat.  All of that being said, this movie made me want to become a Vegan immediately.  Even though it is narrated by one of the biggest douche bags-Joaquin Phoenix, it was a pretty powerful movie.  It is all hidden camera footage of the cruelty to animals from farms, mills, trapping for furs, and deep sea fishing, to 3rd world countries not giving one shit about the actual animal.  After watching this I read the discussion blogs and saw about a 70-30 split.  Those who would give up their own children for an animal (idiots), and those who would just as well slaughter anything living and laugh about it (idiots).  Pretty good wake up and worth the watch but only while eating a steak, wearing leather pants, and sprawled out on your bear skin rug.

FYI:  This is only part one of a soon to be trilogy.


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