Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Of course I was going to review this movie.  Being from Nebraska and having loved all of Alexander Paynes movies, I have been intrigued by this since day one.  I have to give it to Payne, he is one hell of a story teller and can really bring you to the dreary, mind numbing, social inadequacy realm of small town Midwest throwing in a touch of lack of ambitions.  This movie portrays an old small town man who is a bit of a drunk, has a touch of dementia, and  is on a mission to get to Lincoln in order to pick up his $1 million winnings.  He takes the road trip with his son, and makes the stop in his old home town of "Hawthorn" NE.  The story really gets good and brings back some pretty terrible memories of small towns in the Midwest growing up.  This movie definitely deserves to be in the Best Movie category but lacks just enough to put it behind the rest.  Unfortunately it is the wrong year for it I think.  I loved the black and white cinematography, acting and casting was excellent, and it really moved well.  I really don't have anything bad to say about this movie and would suggest everyone watch it, especially if you live in Nebraska!!

(FYI: Gene HackmanRobert ForsterJack Nicholson and Robert Duvall were considered for the role of Woody, Bruce Dern's character)


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