Thursday, April 30, 2015

Brick Mansions

In a world, covered in cheese, apparently everyone in Detroit, Circa 2018, is an American Ninja Warrior, including the late Paul Walker!  How fast does ones heart race while full speed running, jumping, climbing, rolling, fighting, and basically flying for 40 minutes straight?  I would guess it is right at the category of exploding!  Another Netflix throw away that surely would have gone straight to video if Walker hadn't died.  This re make was about as generic as it gets, with some extremely stupid characters, lines, and villains.  Paul Walker plays yet again, another undercover cop who has to infiltrate a walled off area full of crime in Detroit.  This area known as "Brick Mansions" is run by an overlord played by RZA.  You know, the Wu Tang Clan rapper, turned "actor".  Here is the kicker, the criminals have a bomb that is accidentally armed and will most likely blow up this 6 block area.  Walker teams up with Belle, a french ex criminal, ex military, and all around master of every martial art known to man.  As far as I am concerned he was the only cool part of this movie.  To top it all off, the last 20 minutes of the film was so ridiculously stupid, I almost gave up on it.  This is another future TBS Saturday afternoon snoozer you will see often.  Good hangover movie that wont make your brain work for a single second.  Now stay out of the Ghetto!

FYI:  Make a drinking game out of how many mistakes are made in this movie such as girl shifts car into drive, and it goes in reverse, etc.


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