Thursday, April 23, 2015

Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief

WOW!  Have you ever thought a "Religion" was total bullshit?  How about one that makes you sign a Billion year contract?  Yes, that was Billion, with a B!  No?  Well be prepared to perish in the depths of an inner hell-like universe where your total existence is demolished.  I will try and de-construct this for you.  75 million years ago Xenu, a Galactic Overlord imprisoned millions of bad souls in a world similar to Earth in the 1950's.  He then shipped them in pods to Earth and dumped them into our volcano's where they would later attach themselves to human babies being born.  With Scientology, you go through a lengthy process of being audited using an E-Meter which is basically two coffee cans with a wire attached to them, in order to become "Clear" and rid yourselves of the Evil Souls attached to you.  All of this created by the Cult Leader L. Ron Hubbard, you know the Science Fiction writer in the Guinness Book for writing over 1000 publications.  He was also an all around asshole, terrible father, and biggest scam artist known to man.  Whew!  Got all of that?  Now take intelligent members of our society (Tom Cruse, Travolta, Issac Hayes, etc) and see how they seriously bought into this shit!  This was an amazing documentary that really showed how stupid people really are, especially seeing how much time and money they all contribute to this cult.  Give this movie a watch, it will blow your mind!  All Praise Hubbard!!!

FYI:  Don't mess with these bruisers, they give the Mafia a run for their money!  


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