Friday, April 24, 2015


Want to feel really stupid?  Seriously, want to watch a series of computer hackers doing their thing and listen to their tech-y nerd lingo?  Then feel like you know nothing and are even stupider than you are?  Well do I have the movie for you, Blackhat!  My first thought after 20 minutes into this was, "is this all a bunch of made up jargon with unbelievable and completely unrealistic tactics, or am I just that dumb"?  Take Thor, er, I mean Hemsworth and give him a Stephen Hawking brain.  Then throw in a hot Asian chick and her FBI type brother.  Lastly, toss in millions of stolen dollars and BAM!  You have yourself a blockbuster.  Expert hacker is taken out of prison to help track down a truck load of money stolen from stock markets around the world by other hackers.  I actually liked this flick, could have done without the cheesy love interest of Hemsworth, completely unnecessary.  Extremely unbelievable, but so complex for the average citizen, you cant help but to just sit back, pretend you understand what they are talking about and enjoy the ride.  Good action, cool setting and Thor is pretty good in most of his stuff.  Give it a shot, or just wait for it to become another played out TBS movie, trust me, it will.

FYI:  Michael Mann donated $40,000 to the community chest of Hong Kong to thank them for his use of the Lobby of the bank in this film for 5 days! 


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