Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Great cast first of all.  This might be my new favorite Jake Gyllenhaal movie, he plays the part outstanding and has great lines.  Jackman is excellent as well and is a character that every father can relate to.  The story is a situation where two young girls go missing and the local idiot is the prime suspect.  He does a convincing job of the creepy weirdo who may or may not have a hidden agenda.  The families start to fall apart and get intertwined with the twisting story.  Gyllenhaal, who plays the lead detective on the case is a bad ass with an untold back story that keeps you wondering about his moral capacity.  The negatives of this is that Terrance Howard is kind of a pussy and the ending was cut short keeping you wanting more.  Overall excellent movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat and with it being over 2 hours, never really a dull moment.  I would suggest this movie to anyone wanting to pair their movie night with a beverage, we used multiple bottles of wine.

(FYI:  This movie took many years to make.  As a matter fact Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale were set to star but opted out to make The Fighter instead)


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