Wednesday, April 8, 2015


A very close second to the previous fucked up flick!  An old friend of mine turned me on to this movie telling me it is a must watch.
(he is a sick son of a bitch).  SO the movie is filmed in reverse chronological order, including weird nauseating effects.  The director wants the viewer to physically feel sick watching this movie, mission accomplished.  So Beautiful woman, with a suave boyfriend are the main characters.  Beautiful girl gets beaten and raped in the underpass of a French neighborhood.  Suave boyfriend goes after him and seeks revenge.  Now, there are two scenes that throw the disturbing threshold out of limits.  One is the 20 minute rape scene.  Extremely real, incredibly brutal and wow, there is that sick feeling.  The second is the fire extinguisher to the head.  I dont want to spoil too much but holy shit.  Not to mention the gay nightclub called "Rectum" which is enough to make you puke.  Again, left an impact that was crazy so a few stars for that, otherwise pop the popcorn and watch away!!

(FYI: When this movie debuted at Cannes Film Festival, a reported 200 people walked out)

** 1/2

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