Wednesday, April 8, 2015

I am a Ghost

Ha! Ha!  Stupid ghost!  You dont even know your a ghost!  This is a really cool movie that is a new and fresh take on the typical ghost story.  Its a little "Art-House" but I think that made it even creepier.  You may think that the beginning is slow and repetitive but trust me, the end will freak the shit out of you.  What we have here is a story of a young women who wakes up every morning to do the same chores every day, eat the same breakfast, and the normal things people do, like stab themselves in the hand with a butter knife.  Smash their head into the bathroom mirror, and of course freak out at the sound of something in the attic.  By the way, did I mention she is a ghost and doesnt know it?   I dont want to spoil the twist but the story takes a imaginative turn and really makes you think.  The end is scary and creeps you out, possibly due to the fact that it builds you up for an hour first.  I would recommend this movie to true movie lovers who will respect how well its made and recognize the symbolism.  You have to rent this one but be sure to watch it in the dark late at night for full effect.  If you watch it with your significant other, make sure you hide under the bed before they go to sleep after watching this and grab their ankle, it will be a riot! :)

FYI:  Although this film has won 10 major motion picture film awards, it is one of the most un-recognized movies with such credibility.


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