Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Road

Ever heard of this one?  IF you said yes your either a liar or a total nerd like me!  Well the title has been played out in about 10 different movies, in fact this one doesnt even come up on the initial IMDB search.  BUT, its on your instant stream from Netflix so what is there to loose, right?  Ive reminded everyone a number of times that I am a horror movie fan and usually fall into the trap of judging a book by its cover, so if you want to make some money from me, just put a freaky picture on the front of the movie cover and I am all over it.  Here we have a not so unfamiliar tale of some teenagers in the Philippians who boost a car from the old man and take the infamous haunted "Road".  Now if this was realistic they would have also snagged dads bottle of booze and some smokes.  We've all done it!  The story takes a turn into a few other stories and how they relate in a supernatural kind of way.  From the mother of the year, to the damaged for life kid, this story basically takes place in an area where no matter who dies, they turn into a ghost.  It gets a little confusing until the end, and the acting is pretty bad at times but the story is actually pretty good.  I would say to give it a try if you dont mind subtitles, like scary movies, and have insomnia.

FYI:  The budget for this entire film was only $85 and they really killed the actors in real life.


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