Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Here is your RedBox choice!  First of all, it took me a long time to watch this movie because Ashton Kutcher is one of the biggest douche bags in Hollywood.  I really dont like his acting or pretty much anything about him (I'm probably just really jealous).   As for Steve Jobs, I had no idea how much of an asshole he really was.  He did get screwed, huge but wow, he stepped on everyone he knew to secure his own vision.   I will break this up in to The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.  The Good:  Kutcher did pretty well, actually he did great.  He looked and walked and nearded up the screen just like Jobs.  The other actors were good casting and the story unfolded pretty well.  The Bad:  Kind a made for TV feeling about it.  Seemed like it was trying really hard to be the next "Social Network" but failed.  Would have really liked to see later in Jobs life when Apple became a monster.  The Ugly:  This movie really portrayed Jobs as a complete Dick!  

(FYI-To prepare for his role, Ashton Kutcher followed a fruitarian diet, similar to Steve Jobs' reported diet. Days before shooting, he was hospitalized with pancreatitis.)


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