Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Here Comes the Devil

Now here is your family friendly movie that can bring you all closer while watching.  I mean, come on, the title alone makes you want to pop some corn and hunker down on the couch with the kids.  This movie has it all!  Romance, Drama, a Villain, and even subtitles.  Basically two kids (who are weird to begin with) go up a mountain, get lost and come back even weirder.  The family tries to deal with what actually happened and speculate the what they think is the worst.  That is until Mom figures out the truth.  Actually a really good story, with a different take on horror.  If you can handle sub-titles give it a shot, you will especially love the part when someones neck gets cut open and larynx ripped out with bare hands.  Like I said, good wholesome, family fun.

FYI:  This movie grosses a whopping $783 US Dollars on opening weekend!


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