Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Real Rocky

I know, it an ESPN made for TV movie, but anything that has to do with Rocky, I'm gonna watch.  Pretty interesting since most people think that the Rocky franchise was actually based on the life of Rocky Marciano.  This documentary is done really well focusing on Chuck Wepner, a liquor sales man in New Jersey who at one point fought for the Heavy Weight championship against Mohammad Ali.  He is the only fighter to last 15 rounds with Ali which in turn gave him the biggest long shot title ever.  He actually knocked Ali down in the fight but some controversy shows that he stepped on his foot.  The interesting part of the movie was that Wepner pursed a civil suit against Stallone sueing him for the royalty rights of the story.  Wepner states that the movies are so similar to his life that most of the story was stolen from him and got the short end of the stick.  There are a lot of similarities such as Wepner fighting Andre the Giant, being a leg breaker from Jersey, and have a long shot title given to him and going the distance.  Not sure how much I agree but if your a fan of boxing and like the underdog, this is worth a watch.

FYI:  Wepner went 130 fights before ever getting knocked down


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