Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Jack Reacher

The Netflix movie.  Well There are two reasons I watched this movie, one was because it was on Netflix and the other is that I am a sucker for Tom Cruise.  I admit I like all of his movies, even though most people think he is a douche bag.  The premise is Jack Reacher, an ex military cop, investigator, hero, sharp shooter, genius, Houdini, and just about everything else you can throw into a main character that cant be stopped comes to magically help the cops with a sniper mass murder case.  How this all happens is about as unbelievable as Obama getting a second term.  The strangest part of watching this flick is that it feels like there were two writers throughout.  One who is actually a good screen writer and the other is his retarded brother who filled in scenes about every 20 minutes.  50% of this was done really well and kept you thinking it was actually a good movie.  The other 50% was laughable at best and pretty ridiculous.  There are some great fight scenes and Robert Duvall is always good.  My suggestion is to watch this if you have some free time and you like Cruise.  Otherwise, its kind of a throw away, but its free on Netflix so why not.

(FYI:  Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman, Vince Vaughn, Jamie Foxx and Will Smith were considered for the role of Jack Reacher before Tom Cruise was cast.)


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