Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Nymphomaniac Volume 1 & 2

Bam!  Right in your face with a title like this!  Come on, dont act like your not intrigued simply by the title alone.  If you love dangerously close to porn mixed with senseless beatings, hundreds of shots of human genitals and Shia LaBeouf, then boy are you in luck!  Not only for one volume, but a second right around the corner.  Best part, you can find this on Neflix right now!  Ok, so its not exactly what you think, dont get me wrong, everything I just mentioned is a major part of this film but there is actually a pretty good story behind this extremely symbolic and controversial film.  After reading some really terrible reviews of this movie I came up with a much different conclusion.  I will try to sum up the nearly 4 hour movie in a few sentences.  A ton of big name actors get together to ride the whirlwind of director Lars Von Trier to make an "art" piece that has been called pretentious, and scum.  Your typical young girl becomes aware of her sexual addiction and instead of trying to control it, she embraces it.  Over, and over, and over and over again.  The movie starts with her being found in an alley and rescued from a severe beating from a stranger.  We then are drawn into her story of a little girl to the present day discussing her obsessions and how they relate to the normal point of view.  There is a lot of symbolism in which I dont really think much of it adds up, but it is to tie her life in with a grown man and his devoted life to intellect, oh by the way he is a virgin.  Its a classic case of one extreme to the other meeting with opposition of the others point of view.  Sound boring?  Well most of you will more than likely think so.  I actually liked the story and thought the movie was extremely well done.  Lost of depth and good acting.  This probably would have been an Oscar contender is the graphic details were kept to a minimum.  I wouldnt suggest this movie to many, but those who are serious about film will like it.  Probably not safe for family movie night, work, in any public place, or on Christmas morning.  Other than that, watch away!

FYI:  Shia LaBeouf was asked to send pictures of his penis in order to obtain his role. He subsequently decided to send in personal sex tapes of him and his girlfriend having sex in order to convince Lars von Trier to cast him.


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