Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Amazing Spiderman

If you haven't heard about this Marvel character yet, its basically about a kid who gets bit by a spider that has been tested scientifically and becomes a spider like man.  Oh, you know about him?  So I usually dont put a movie in that is in the theaters but took the kids to see this last weekend and thought it was pretty cool.  You dont need the premise or story line, because honestly you wont be surprised so I will just tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Here we go;  The Good: The Amazing Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) movies are so much better than the McGuire ones its crazy!  Emma Stone is pretty hot, and the action scenes are really cool.  The Bad:  How many villains can you throw in a single movie?  Apparently......all of them!  The Ugly:  Dane DeHaan, wow this kid is the Green Goblin, before he is the Green Goblin!  Overall, really cool movie, I would see it again.  Almost as good as the first one other than the lizard dude.  So grab your flasks, sneak in a burrito, and head to the theater.  Its worth it.

FYI:  This is the first "Spider-Man" film to be filmed entirely in New York, and the largest film production ever in New York City. $300,000,000 budget!!!


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