Wednesday, April 8, 2015

American Hustle

Another true story and great movie up for a number of awards this year.  I have to start by saying that I really liked this movie but in comparison to Wolf, It didnt quite reach the level that I was hoping for.  Christian Bale was excellent as always, Amy Adams was hot, and Jennifer Lawrence (someone that I dont really like) was amazing.  I was actually more interested in Jeremy Renners character than anyone else and his part was relatively small.  Good story about a group of scam artists who are forced to work with the FBI, only to pull some twists of their own.  I would recommend seeing this movie, if for anything the cleaning "dance scene" that Lawrence pulls off.  Cool movie but probably not one I would buy.

(FYI-Christian Bale achieved the physical traits of his character by gaining over 40 pounds, getting a comb-over and slouching his posture and ended up herniating two of his disks in the process.  He was apparently unrecognizable to DeNiro)


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