Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Worlds End

The Cornetto trilogy sadly comes to an end!  I have to start off saying that I absolutely loved this movie!  It is your typical British humor with classic Simon Pegg acting.  I have heard less than good reviews from others about this movie and my wife hardly cracked a smile while I was laughing so hard I teared up.  Maybe its more of a guys movie but the writing is really good.  So here we have 5 high school friends who have grown up and moved on with their lives, all except one, Gary King.  He is the friend that every one has had, the guy who cant grow up, stays as irresponsible as you can imagine and cares about one thing, himself.  The problem is that you love this friend and always have a good time with them no matter how annoying they really are, mine was named Cody Stracke :)  Anyway, he gets the fellas back together in the form of many lies so they can do the miracle mile pub crawl.  12 bars, 1 pint each, in one night (keep in mind this is heavy Euro beer).  Well, they run into the unexpected take over of the town by aliens and have to battle their way through the crawl.  There are a lot of hidden features in this film and its full of the tongue in cheek type of comedy, like I said I loved it.  So give it a watch and let me know what you think.  And when everyone is ready I think we should put together our own 12 pub crawl and make it happen!

FYI: This is the third installment of the Cornetto Trilogy (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The Worlds End)  In each movie there is an ice cream reference with the color that represents the movie Red for blood in Shaun, Blue for cops in Fuzz, and Green in End for aliens.


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