Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Killing Season

Here is the Netflix pic that was a total dud!  This was possibly one of the biggest "throw away" movies I have seen in a long time.  Its hard to hate on a movie with De Niro as he is one of my favorite actors, but his track record has been rolling quickly down hill for a while.  And then there is Travolta...this guy loves to take on a challenge, and then fail.  He plays the movie as an ex Serb soldier with a Serbian accent, Serbian beard, and really bad acting.  The plot is that these are two Bosnian war vets who have a history with eachother during the conflict.  Travolta seeks out De Niro to take revenge for the carnage he was a part of in the war.  There are more back and forth scenes than a tennis match, each one a little more unbelievable and ridiculous than the last.  Each time one gets the upper hand, they make a stupid mistake and find themselves in the same reverse situation.  These alleged military trained bad asses seem to get their butts kicked repeatedly and could have just solved the situation in minutes.  I found myself saying WTF, and "Retarded" many times throughout the movie.  I will say some of the torture scenes were creative and cool to watch but only to end with an idiotic mistake.  Then the end, well watch for yourself but ill just let you know it was just plain stupid.  Go ahead and watch if you want to waste 90 minutes and have nothing else to do.  I warned you!

(FYI:  Nicholas Cage was set to play De Niro's role.  Thank God he didnt or I would give it 0 stars)


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