Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Devils Due

I'm sure by the title of this film you can already tell that it is your classic romantic love story following a newlywed couple from Honeymoon to baby time.  I would suggest any couple expecting their first baby to off the lights, pop some corn and sit for this soon to be classic tear-jerker.  No?  Well maybe its a little more of your average found footage horror film, and again a movie with pretty bad reviews I liked it.  Kind of a Rosemary's Baby sort of film with a different take on the whole Antichrist theme.  This couple looses a night in the Dominican while on their Honeymoon and find out she is pregnant once they return home.  Her behavior takes a turn for the worst and she basically becomes a nutso!  If any of you have ever lived through the excruciating torture of living with a pregnant woman for 9 months, you completely understand the previous comments :)  I have always been a fan of the "Found Footage" type movies and like the way they throw normal, realistic boring life activities in with the scary stuff.  I would give it a shot, it gets tense at times and you really like the characters.  My biggest complaint is the end, I wont spoil anything but I was rolling my eyes thinking, "really".  Of course, in my opinion all horror movies are good!

FYI:  Budget on this film was $7 million, with an opening weekend of over $9 mil, and a gross so far of over $15 mil.  Take that Critics!


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