Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Devils Knot

Recommended by Pablo Hoppy himself I had to watch and review this movie, (Thanks Paul).  Remember the creepy kids at school who dressed all goth and thought they were vampires or some crap like that?  If you dont, I may just be talking about you!  Well, they are in this movie which is based on actual events in the white trash swamp burrows of Louisiana.  I have to say the acting was some of the worst I have seen, even from some A listers such as Witherspoon and Firth!  I expected much more in that category, but overall the movie was made very well.  I have seen the documentary of this story and it is pretty sick.  The tale describes some teenagers who are into devil worship and cult type activities who are accused of killing three young boys in some pretty horrific ways.  It hit home due to the fact I have a son the same age as the young boys who were killed.  The crazy part of this story is that there was never any real evidence that the three boys who were convicted actually did it.  There were scandals, lost evidence, bias jury members and a judge, not to mention a suspect who entered a McDonalds bathroom covered in blood and mud that they never found?!?!?  The story really puts you in the same mindset as the locals had during this time where you really want the freak show kids to be the murders, but after its over you really think about judgement and how it play a huge part in our broken system.  Aside from the bad acting I would definitely give this movie a chance, especially if you like the courtroom suspense type dramas.  

FYI:  Based on the true story "West Memphis Three"


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