Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Good Kill

Have you watched a War movie since American Sniper?  If so it is really hard to compare, or take seriously for that matter.  I was interested in seeing this movie since the trailer and was really hoping for the best.  Here is my run down:  The first half of this movie I felt as if it were about $200 away from a made for TV type flick.  It was overly dramatic, and with Ethan Hawke at the helm using his Batman voice I felt myself getting further away from caring.  It could have very well been the third movie with Hawke titled, "I hate my shitty life!"  The structure goes like this; Fighter Pilot with 3 missions and over 8000 hours of fly time gets pulled from the air and stuck in a box in Las Vegas to pilot Lethal Drones over the Middle East.  Former Pilot goes home every night to ignore his hot wife, and the kids, get drunk, and stare off into the distance for hours.  Well the movie gets better, and a little disturbing when you start to see the mass civilian deaths, brutal and savage attacks, and go deeper into the PTSD of Hawks character.  Overall I liked it.  I would like to see some better writing, and a different lead actor but I would recommend this for a good watch.  And remember, when you see the same guy dressed in his military uniform buy a handle of booze every night, you should probably mind your own damn business!!!

FYI:  Here are some of the names of people in the film:  Hawke, Coyote, January, and Sheets.  Sounds like the start of a good joke to me! :)


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