Friday, April 17, 2015

The Wedding Ringer

Looking for a summer want to be blockbuster recipe?  Take an older love story staring Will Smith (Hitch), a Paul Rudd love story (I Love You Man), mix it with a Wedding Theme (Wedding Crashers), then throw in Kevin Hart and BAM!  You have yourself a winner!  I cant get enough of Kevin Hart these days, he is one of the funniest comedians today.  The movie is played out and nothing new, it is basically a throw away and one that you will definitely see on basic cable 4 times each weekend, but enjoyable.  Josh Gad is a pretty funny dude and apparently can dance his ass off.  Story:  Dumpy, awkward dude is getting married to a girl way out of his league.  They are putting together the wedding party and he realizes he has no friends.  Scared he will loose his girl, he hires Best Man Inc. to help him put together a wedding party, and the Golden Tuxedo, a never before done scam.  Not really a chick flick, and not quite a buddy flick, it is really just a paycheck for the actors.  The characters in the wedding party were pretty good and I laughed at it with low expectations.  Give it a shot, most people will enjoy this non thinker.

FYI:  This movie was originally set to star Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, WTF?!?


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