Friday, April 17, 2015

Nurse 3-D

Lionsgate pictures presents the heartwarming story of a young woman in the medical field going out of her way to mentor and teach the ropes to new graduate nurses.  This intensive care unit fosters some of the most delicate cases in medical history, but thanks to the critical thinking of these highly professional registered caregivers we can sleep easy knowing our loved ones are in good hands!  Now that you have heard a lot of bullshit, here is what you really need to know about this movie.  Gratuitous nudity, hot skimpy nurse outfits straight out of the naughty Halloween catalog,  outlandish blood splatters (in 3-D), and then Judd Nelson and Kathleen Turner show up!!!  This just went from B rated to AAA rated in my book!  Then when you don't think it can get any better, the star new nurse shows up and it is no other than, drum roll please, Katrina Bowden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So the cast is either "has been" or "never will be", the story is really dumb, and the lead nurse character is trying really hard to be a young Melanie Griffith and is one serious butter face.  There is no point in watching this movie what-so-ever, but I loved it!  Typical cheap, 1/2 star Netflix, horror film that was obviously made for men.  Thank you to my wife (a nurse) who I made sit through this with me. :)

FYI:  I work with a guy who's brother helped start Lionsgate Films, true story.


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