Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Funny Games

I watched the re-make of this movie a few years ago and thought it was crazy.  I will say that the original was better (imagine that).  First off be ready for sub titles unless you speak German, but worth it if your not into foreign films.  This is a story about a wealthy family taking a holiday at their summer home and is encountered by two collage age kids who seem very proper and educated only to find out they are sadistic psychos.  This movie was pretty disturbing and incorporated the realm of medias influence on young minds.  There are plenty of times in the movie where I said to myself, "hurt or not, I would kick these kids ass!"  There are times where you get pretty stressed out for the characters and really hope things work out.  Ok no more spoilers, but I would recommend this movie, if anything just to make you think.

(FYI: Director Michael Haneke told producer 'Veit Heiduschka' during the production that if the film was a success, it would be because audiences had misunderstood the meaning behind it.)


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