Wednesday, April 8, 2015


The first Documentary review but I had to watch it due to all the buzz going around.  Basically this was a docu that tore apart the Sea World operations with the treatment of their Killer Whales, especially Tilikum.  When I heard terrible things about the animal cruelty in this film of course I had to rush to see it.  Its hard to debate what footage is shown and the premise behind this film but Im not sure how much of it I still believe.  These whales are basically imprisoned and made into slaves for entertainment which lasts about 4 hours a day.  The rest of the time they are in uninhabitable conditions which essentially makes them go insane.  Scientists say this species has a higher capacity in their brains for emotions and when treated bad, they take it personally.  All I know is that they truly live up to the name Killer Whale!  Worth a watch, if anything to decide for yourself if your next meal will be at Red Lobster, or McDonald's!

(FYI: When a survey was sent out asking if this film changed your mind about Sea World, 88% came back saying no.  After further investigation, 75% of the surveys were from the Sea World IP Address)


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