Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Jack Ketchums, The Girl Next Door

Undoubtedly the most disturbing movie I have ever seen!  Ill sum up the plot for you with Crazy, demented, psycho Aunt takes care of her two nieces.  Crazy has about 4 kids of her own and is hurting for money.  She loves to entertain the townies, and decides that she really doesnt like the oldest of her two nieces.  So she does what all loving, sane Aunts would do, she locks her in the basement and tortures her.  Ok, same old "girl locked in the basement movie" right?  Wrong, she repeatedly beats her, starves her, burns her, lets the kids use her as a punching bag, and eventually has one of the boys rape her.  This twisted tale is based in the 1950's where I think everything was taboo.  The most disturbing thing about this movie is that it is TRUE.  I did some research on it after just to see how true it really was, and sure enough this Indiana incident was pretty spot on of the movie.  Stars rating is tough on this one because it wasnt a fun movie to watch, but left an impact pretty damn strong.

(FYI: The crazy bitch is also Sams older sister in 16 Candles)


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