Wednesday, April 8, 2015

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane

Number one, who can resist a slasher movie with this title.  Number two, especially when it stars Amber Heard.  And number three, what did you really expect?  Another Netflix horror movie, and I want everyone with a teenage daughter to watch this!  Classic story of the untouched, untouchable, high school hot chick that all the boys want and all the girls want to be.  She's a good girl, crazy about Elvis, she loves horses, and her boyfriend too.  Well, not really but she plays the part pretty well.  Anyway, she gets hit on constantly and the other "not as hot" girls are bitches to her behind her back so she sets out to get some revenge, or does she.??  This thriller will hardly keep you on the edge of your seat and extremely predictable but then again, what did you really expect.  It is actually a great movie to watch and make fun of.  The dudes in this movie are hilarious and the plot was written on the back of a cocktail napkin I think.  Ill sum it up for you:  "Hey Mandy, a bunch of us are going to this rich stoner kids dads ranch with a secluded and creepy caretaker watching over the place.  Want to go with us even though none of us are friends with you?"  "Sure, but I am going to act all shy and weird when every guy there hits on me and one of the girls takes too many drugs.  Oh and by the way, pretty much everyone is going to die in the next 10 hours."  "Toats, lets go!"  The end.  Seriously though, watch this and then send your kids to private school.

FYI:  The ranch where they filmed was the last known living quarters of John Wilkes Booth and was also owned by Hillary Duff's family.


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