Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Watched this on a whim last night on HBO.  Meh, is what I said after it was over.  Light hearted and pretty predictable but I pretty much like anything with Paul Rudd.  Tina Fey plays an uptight, boring Princeton University Admissions Officer who has to make decisions about who is worthy of attending the prestige college.  Rudd plays a free flowing liberal alternative school owner who is dead set on getting one of his kids in.  There is some playful round and round with the two opposite characters but all comes out a little dry.  Lilly Tomlin plays Tina Feys mom who is probably the best part of the movie.  I would say this is a watch if your bored and have nothing else to do, otherwise don't waste your time.

(FYI: In reality Princeton University only accepts on average 7.8% of its applicants.  Third behind Yale and Harvard)


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