Friday, April 10, 2015

The Lazarus Effect

Damn!  Another situation where the hot chick becomes possessed and starts to kill everyone!  Talk about art imitating life!  Classic story, I've seen it a thousand times (especially living in Gilbert, AZ).  SO the question is, what do you get when you cross the movie "Flat-liners", with "Pet Sematary" and "Re-Animator"?  If you didn't guess The Lazarus Effect, then you are stupid and I am surprised you can even read!  Premise:  4 scientist, and one camera woman are shacked up in a University Laboratory testing animals trying to bring them back to life.  Sounds like a recipe for disaster if you ask me.  There are some Good, for instance Olivia Wilde and the dude from The League.  Cool nightmare scene, and good effects.  There are some really bad as well, such as they are all too young and pretty to be scientists with a resurrection breakthrough, (except for the dude from League).  This is a pretty common type movie with very few surprises.  It was a good watch if you need your pseudo horror fix, but dont expect too much.

FYI:  Olivia Wilde actually died 3 times while making this movie!


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