Wednesday, April 8, 2015

12 Years a Slave

Classic story about another privileged violin player who thinks he is better than everyone else, and finally gets whats coming to him!  Okay, just kidding, you have to make some sort of light with this story as the entire thing is pretty bleak.  So you have this guy Solomon who is a free black man in the North during the late 1800's who is tricked, captured, and sold into slavery in the South.  If there is one thing you know about southerners, its that they looooove slaves!  He is bought and sold a few times as a slave for a number of years, (I cant remember how many exactly) enduring some horrific conditions and treatment.  Overall, I would say this movie well deserved the best movie award and should be watched by everyone.  If you are white, I would recommend inviting all of your black friends over to watch it with you, should be a great time!

FYI:  Steve McQueen's daughter told him to hire Sarah Paulson after viewing her audition tape because she found her extremely scary.


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