Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Guardians of the Galaxy

Has anyone heard of this movie?  It's kind of a big deal at the box office right now.  So as promised last week, the Molina family ventured out and fought the crowds to see this end of summer blockbuster, and it did not disappoint!  This was one of the best superhero movies to date, I would put it just behind The Dark Knight at the top spot.  This movie pretty much had it all, Soundtrack-awesome!  Cast-awesome!  Writing-awesome!  Chris Pratt is the real deal when it comes to a smug, arrogant, smart ass and he plays the part in full force.  I was skeptical of this movie at first and wasn't sure what to expect but laughed out loud at least 20 times during the showing.  At around 2 hours, there is never a dull moment and the story just draws you in leaving you wanting more.  We have a guy from earth who was abducted by aliens as a kid and raised to be a smuggler/space explorer who one day finds the wrong thing to steal.  he is kind of a Han Solo type of character who teams up with some other outlaws in a space prison.  they basically set out to, well, be guardians of the galaxy if you haven't caught on to that yet.  Highly recommended and I would suggest seeing it in the theater.  My only complaint is where most Marvel movies have a hidden teaser scene after the credits, this one was a total bust.  Don't wait for it cause it is a waste of time, and really kind of stupid.  Not to bad since it is only about 30 seconds long.   See it!

FYI:  Zoe Saldana actually broke one of Chris Pratt's ribs during the fight scene in this movie.


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