Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Out of the Furnace

Here is a hidden gem in the Box that is Red!  I cant believe that this movie didnt get more publicity or praise.  The acting was outstanding and the story was amazing!  I've said too much, now the expectations are sky high.  Here is a story about a man and his military brother who just cant seem to get on his feet.  When the brother begins bare knuckle underground fighting, it all goes down hill from there.  Bale, as always is excellent.  Casey Affleck, who is gaining quite the acting chops plays the role perfectly and then throw in Willem Defoe, Forrest Whitaker, Woody Harrelson, and Zoe Saldana for a very well rounded cast.  You really feel bad for Bale and Harrelson achieves his purpose which is to be hated, a lot!  This isint an action packed film so you have to be prepared to watch the story unfold, but I would recommend everyone watch.

FYI:  Billy Bob Thorton was actually picked to play the role of Harlan, but Woody snagged it. 


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