Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Get the Gringo

I have avoided this movie for a while mainly due to the title thinking it was a campy, comedy about how stupid Americans are in Mexico.  Well, I was dead wrong.  I decided to give this flick a try and was really impressed.  Mel can have his ups and downs but I still like his bad ass characters.  He plays a bank robber who ends up in a notorious Mexican prison.  One of the great quotes in this movie is when he arrives, looking around says, "is this a prison or the worlds shittiest Mall?"  He gets tied up in the infrastructure of this place and the story gets pretty good.  Not to realistic, but damn, your watching a movie!

FYI: While filming Mel Gibson met a man suffering from a rare cancer and wrote a letter to the US Embassy to get him admitted to an American hospital for treatment, paying for everything.


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