Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Captain Phillips

Well, its Tom Hanks, who quite frankly never lets you down.  He is one hell of an actor and you really have to respect everything he has done, (short of Joe vs The Volcano and Bachelor Party).  This story is based on the true life events of a cargo ship captain who gets kidnapped off the coast of Somalia by a band of modern day pirates.  These third world, poverty stricken pirates are under the gun from their boss to make millions but they arent very smart.  This movie was hard to review, I think I wanted to like it much more than I did.  The last 40 minutes were really good and the SEALs were pretty bad ass, but the movie lacked something.   Here is what I had a hard time understanding, why isisnt there a single gun on the cargo ship when traveling off the coast of Somalia?  How were the pirates such good shots at a moving ship, in a moving boat, in rough sea waters, while traveling at high speeds?  (Spoiler) Why didnt the crew just kill the pirate captain, or at least keep him tied up?  Why were the pirates so willing to go with the US SEALS?  Why was Captain Phillips such a bad swimmer?  I can go on and on but it is still just a movie.  I would definatley recommend this as it was a bit of a nail biter and was very well made.

(FYI-When Hanks character has a medical review, its the actual Navy Corpsman who conducted the one on the real Phillips)


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