Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Classic case of "Never judge a book (or movie) by its cover"!  I mean look at it!  It looks cool as hell, right?  I'll start with the Cliche's;  1. Crazy hillbilly family in the woods  2. City folk with no cell phone reception  3. Bratty annoying kid  4. New wife who turns out to have super strength, no brain, and manages to keep her hair, nails and makeup looking good after torture and battles in the mud  5. Cops who are idiots  6. fighting off the bad guys but then running away before making sure they are dead.  Now that they are out of the way, lets talk plot?  There is none, the movie just went way random and generic with the family getting tortured by freaks in masks (which were the only interesting parts of the movie) for absolutely no reason.  There was a small part where the main freak started to get into why they were tormenting the family but it just made no sense.  This movie, although not a new concept at all, had a lot of potential but really kind of sucked.  My advice to anyone in the situation they were in; grab some weapons, hide together in a secure room, kill anything that comes through, and in the morning hit the main road.  How hard is it!  Okay, I've never been in a situation where my family was being hunted by the crazies from the woods, but I consider myself an expert after the 5 billion horror movies I have seen.  Watch if you want, but be prepared to be very disappointed!

FYI:  Stephen McHattie is the biggest Hollywood name in this movie and his part lasts about 11.3 seconds.


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