Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Only God Forgives

Here is a movie that didn't get much promotion or credit.  Even casting Ryan Gossling (former sexiest man alive), there wasnt a lot of press to amp up this really well done flick.  This is a movie for the true movie buff mainly due to the extremely slow camera scenes with little or no talking and slow movement from the characters.  The cinematography was outstanding filmed in Bangkok with a serious 80's overture, it has style and a lot of good lighting.  Basically Gossling's character is a drug smuggler who has a front as an underground fight promoter with some serious anger issues and even bigger mommy issues.  Speaking of his Mom, played by Kristen Scott Thomas (who was incredibly hot in this movie, especially for being over 50) she nailed the role.  Her part is a ruthless, ethnocentric, bitch who is only there to grieve the death of her "Favorite" son.  There is quite a bit of blood and some gruesome scenes from the "bad guy" who also played the part of a creepy, weirdo well.  Not to mention a complete bad ass Asian dude.  Overall I thought the movie was great, a little pretentious, but good flick with a number of undertones of symmetry toward the dark world and revenge.

(FYI-Apparently the set of this movie while filming was haunted)


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