Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Alien Abduction

Ever vacationed in the Brown Mountains of North Carolina?  Why not?  Apparently there are mysterious lights that show up over the mountains that no one can explain!  Oh ya, and there are weirdo hillbilly's living in cabins, endless miles of forest, and one other thing, aliens.  Rile of thumb, every time you see the lights, hunker down and get ready to be abducted by an unidentified being.  OR, just fucking move!  Honestly this movie was a bit like Tucker and Dale meet the Brady family in, the alien vacation.  This is also streaming on Netflix and I have to say, I liked it.  Was there really bad parts, absolutely, but it is a movie about aliens from apparent real found footage confiscated by the USAF.  Lets go over the bad:  Dad, just turn around and get gas.  Kid, your not an alien hunter with a hillbilly's shot gun.  Mom, find a place to hide, and stay there till morning!  Here is the good:  Creepy feeling of the whole "no where to escape" thing.  Aliens were pretty cool looking.  Some pretty suspenseful parts.  I would try it just before a camping trip, just bring a map.

FYI:  The mysterious Brown Mountain Lights have been witnessed and documented for over 100 years.  This shit is real yo!


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