Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Bell Witch Haunting

You know me, I love cheesy "B" rated horror movies but this was a pretty much a pile of crap.  Although a little scary and made you think for a few hours after watching it, it was basically a complete rip off of The Blair Witch, Paranormal Activity and any other haunted house found footage film.  the best actor is the Justin Timberlake look alike who is impaled half way through the film.  This terribly acted film litterally steals scenes from every horror movie you have seen and the fact that the family ignores the events happening to them night after night is really, really stupid.  I mean, c'mon, if you have a bed sheet suffocating you in the middle of the night, the couch might seem like a better option the next time you settle in.  I would only watch this if you have exhausted every other supernatural movie on your que, otherwise dont bother.

FYI: They rushed through the production of this movie so fast that they changed the name of the Mom from beginning to the end without even knowing!  Good one.


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