Wednesday, April 8, 2015

You're Next

Here is the horror film!  Not sure if you know but this is my favorite genre and no matter how bad the movie is, Im a sucker and will watch it.  So we have a high society family in the Hampton's who are very wealthy, very arrogant, and extremely uncomfortable with each other most likely due to the coddling they have had from Mommy and Daddy their whole life.  They all gather for a weekend and some criminals with pretty awesome scary masks begin the terrorizing!!  Well it is  pretty straight forward and a little predictable but some good twists.  Acting, meh.  Chicks are hot but no nudity.  Guys are all douche bags and the story has some trouble unfolding naturally.  If you like horror movies I would watch it because you wont be bored and the cover art is pretty cool.  Otherwise you will be like my wife testing or playing Candy Crush on your phone through the whole thing.  The beauty is, Red Box is pretty damn cheap!

(FYI:  The killer in the Tiger Mask is actually the screenwriter)


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