Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Scenic Route

Fergies husband is actually a pretty damn good actor!  After looking at the cover art you would think this is a slasher/horror flick, but its much better!  If you have ever gone a road trip with a buddy and discovered after a few hours that you want to kill them than this is the movie for you!  C'mon, admit it, we have all been trapped in a situation with someone who annoys the shit out of you, right?  This heartwarming story focuses solely on two old college buddies who are a bit of an odd couple.  One is successful, married, has a kid and is completely unhappy with his life.  The other is your typical free spirited, law school drop out, want to be writer who is a broke looser.  They havent seen each other in a while and probably would have been better off letting sleeping dogs lie.  The majority of the movie is dialogue heavy set in a pickup truck that is "broke down" on the side of a rarely traveled highway.  The writing is excellent and the story is very well set up.  Without giving up too much of the movie, there are some great twists that only makes the movie better.  I highly suggest watching this movie as I was pleasantly surprised!  Oh, and one more thing, if an old buddy wants to take a trip, you might want to seriously consider flying!

FYI:  There were a number of titles attached to this film before the director decided on "Scenic Route"


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