Wednesday, April 8, 2015


I'm pretty sure that everyone has heard of Linda Lovelace, if not, apparently you dont watch enough porn!  I had watched the trailers for this movie a few times and have always been interested in this story as there have been so many opinions of her life.  This move seems to be the best portrayal of a naive bright eyed girls horrible life of 30 years squeezed in to an hour and a half.  Linda Lovelace was the first mainstream name from the porn industry.  Here character played by Amanda Seyfried is just the first of a huge ensemble of A list actors in this movie, all of which played their parts very well.  James Franco as Hugh Heffner was a bit of a stretch but his role was small so I let it slide.  Sharon Stone playing Linda's mother was nearly unrecognizable and should really get more credit for her acting as she was excellent.  The movie will make you feel horrible for Lovelace as she is basically brainwashed into thinking there is no way out of her situation (forced into the Porn industry by an extremely abusive husband), only to have a roller coaster of fame one day and then abuse and torture the next.  Good movie with good acting, and with better directing and story lines quite possibly could have been the next Boogie Nights (but fell way short).  

(FYI-Olivia Wilde and Kate Hudson were also considered for the role of Linda Lovelace)


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