Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Blue Jasmine

Here is another Oscar nominee and a hidden gem.  The better of the two if you ask me and I have categorized this as a perfect Woody Allen Movie.  Great cast, even better characters and an ever evolving story.  I was happy and surprised to see Andrew Dice Clay and Louie C.K. as two of the actors in this movie.  The plot is Jasmine, who is a NY socialite and a bit of a lunatic is in extreme denial of her social status explosion and has to glom on to her sister in CA and rebuild her life.  The writing in this movie was outstanding and Blanchett does an amazing job.  This character reminded me of many people I know who think they are high society socialite status and really just embarrassing.  Alec Baldwin is great as always and plays a real scum bag that seems to fit him perfectly.  Not much wrong with this movie other than the fact you may have to be in the right mood for that type of movie. Highly recommended and soon so you can boo at the TV when Blanchett doesnt win on Oscar night.

(FYI-The costume designer only had a budget of $35,000.  The "Hermes" bag that Jasmine carries throughout the film is worth more than the entire budget and had to be borrowed, as did much of the designer clothing.


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