Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Iceman

Michael Shannon (who is as weird as they come) plays the part of a poor, misunderstood hit-man that really doesn't do anything wrong, other than kill about 100 people in cold blood.  This true story is about a former porn movie editor who's boss decides to recruit him into the killing business.  The Iceman goes years without a bump in the road all the while getting married and having two kids.  He has a perfect cover and teams up with a nearly unrecognizable Chris Evans, you know, Captain America.  They set up shop killing, chopping up body parts, and living the high life until some dirty undercover snitch rats them out.  The cast in this movie is excellent with Liotta, Rider, Shannon, Evans, Dorff, Franco and even a whiny long haired David Schwimmer.  This has been called Goodfellas meets Pulp Fiction, not sure if I agree with that but watch the Iceman Documentary and see the interviews from the Real Iceman who doesnt give 1 shit about killing anyone.  Good underrated flick, I would give it a must watch.

FYI:  The real Iceman killer admits to being responsible for the killing of Jimmy Hoffa, sticking him in the trunk of a car and demolishing it at a auto recycling center.


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