Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

I promised my 7 year old son I would take him to this last weekend because he is basically training to be a ninja these days, so here you go.  Remember those movies about robots who turn into things like cars and planes staring again Shia LaBeouf, and Megan Fox, and eventually Mark Whalburg?  Well, this is the exact same thing but replace the robots with huge talking turtles who know karate, and Shia with Will Arnet.  Michael Bay really likes his 80's and 90's toys, I cant blame him though, making throw away movies like this had made him a multi-millionaire!  First of all this movie was pretty awful, and I am being nice.  Here is a checklist of what you will see in true Michael Bay form:  Explosions, larger than life characters, the same actors in every movie, really stupid lines that are supposed to make you laugh, and absolutely no story.  I am looking forward to the next few films by Bay which I am guessing are "He-Man", "Barbie goes to Iraq", and probably "Hot-wheels meet The Rubik's Cube".  I wouldnt recommend this to anyone under the age of 12 and if you do see it, be prepared to hate yourself for giving even more money to this guy.  Oh, and bring a flask.  On a good note, my son absolutely loved it!  He said it was the best movie he has ever seen, sounds like his Dad.  

FYI:  Who cares!


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