Wednesday, April 8, 2015


As you can tell by the cover, this movie was a real feel good movie that had great depth and amazing character transformation.  Okay, none of that was even remotely true and most of the reviews of this film were pretty bad.  I, on the other hand really enjoyed it!  So the story is a girl somewhat confused about her sexuality is date raped at a party and contracts some sort of STD.  The film then shows that this is no STD that I have ever heard of, and it it were real I would show it at every Sex Education Class across the country.  There were some really gross parts that had me dry heaving a little, but that acting of them were great.  The overall acting was just ok, and I am pretty sure every character in the film was a complete idiot, or just blind....most likely both.  If you like the horror genre definitely check this out.  Probably not a first date sort of movie, and it will probably keep you right around first base :)

(FYI:  The meal worms used in this film were actually supposed to me maggots and were purchased from a meal worm farm in Hollywood used in many movies)


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