Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Dallas Byers Club

I was skeptical of this film for a while before watching it, and boy way I wrong!  This film was outstanding and had me changing a lot of my Oscar pics as it is up for numerous awards.  So another "based on a true story" for the awards this year which makes 5 I think.  Story line is McConaughy's character is a womanizer, slime ball, hustler who finds out he has Aids and is basically shunned by his redneck community.  He finds that the US drugs arent working and searches in Mexico for something better.  He finds an unusual business partner in Leto, who is a cross dressing, gay, Aids patient to supply the people in the states with this non FDA approved drug.  The acting was excellent, and Leto should win the supporting role for this.  The only negative I would give this movie is I have a hard time believing this redneck character learned so much about the Aids drugs in such a short time.  I highly suggest seeing this movie, if anything to see if Leto wins for Best Supporting.

(FYI-Jared Leto lost 30 lbs to play this role and was his first role in 5 years)


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