Friday, April 24, 2015

Before I Go To Sleep

Don't you hate it when you wake up in the morning and cant remember the night before?  For most of us, its due to hitting the bottle a little to hard prior to passing out.  Well in Nicole Kidmans case, its due to a car accident years before where she basically turns into the guy from Memento.  She can only remember that day she is in.  Well this dark rendition of Groundhog day will take you into her world of waking up next to a stranger every morning, who then has to explain to her that he is her husband.  Sensing something is wrong, she begins to trust her therapist who convinces her to video a journal everyday so that she will remember.  It quickly turns into a dark thriller with something sinister at bay.  Who can you trust?  Who are these people really?  WTF is going on???  It all comes out in the end, and makes for a pretty good suspense film.  Not a lot of new tricks in this one, but definitely worth a shot.

FYI:  Kidman convinced Firth to hit her extra hard in the fight scene so she would have actual blood.


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